Entries from 2014-05-01 to 1 month

Articles on 11 May 2014 - Earth view from ISS and Pry(Ruby interpreter)

USTREAM: ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment: ***QUICK NOTES ABOUT HDEV VIDEO*** Black Image = International Space Station (ISS) is on the night side of the Ea... This is a live stream of the earth from ISS, International Space Station. You ca…

RSpec basics

Recently I have re-studied the RSpec. This is just my reminder. describe to be used to group something to be described. can be nested. context same as describe but usually used to list some different conditions it to be used to write test …

Interested articles (3/May/2014)

Daily chart: Crowning the dragon | The Economist This article said that China will become the largest economy by the end of the year against the past prediction of 2019. Dragdis - Drag & drop anything anywhere. An amazing web service. With…