2024 New Year's Resolution

毎年恒例一年の振り返り + 来年の目標を定める時期がやってまいりました。 昨年までは英語で書いてましたが、面倒なので今年は日本語で書くことにします。


Review of 2023

Review of last year's goal achievement

  • ❓ Broaden my network of contacts → 評価関数がないので広げたとは言い切れない。が、今年は社外の色々な人と話す機会があった
  • 🔺 Re: Keep me healthy: Lose my weight to 55kg → 惜しい、56.2kgしかし去年の57.6kgよりは進歩!
    • 🔺 Walk 10,000 steps every day on average → 惜しい、9540歩!しかし去年の5032歩に比べたら格段の進歩!
  • ❌ Build a charging station in my room



  • Managed DBサービスは一旦塩漬け。
  • そしてチーム異動。7月から仮想サーバ/ストレージサービスを担当することに。
  • Downfall対応
  • CPv3ライフサイクル整理
  • 螺旋が形になってきた?
  • Openstack基盤ver. up(Mitaka → Queens。死ぬほどトラブルったけどなんとかやりきった)






New Year Resolution in 2024

  • [仕事] 採用(につながる何かをする)
  • [仕事] 中期計画(2028年度までのライフサイクル計画の骨子の作成)
  • [仕事] 振り返りの週間をつける。毎月振り返りを行う
  • [Private; 再掲] Walk 10,000 steps every day on average

2023 New Year's Resolution

It's time to talk about my annual New Year's resolutions.

First of all, let's look back at what I could achieve last year.

Review of 2022

Review of last year's goal achievement

  • ❌ Post a blog more than once a month → Only 4 posts..
  • ✅ Buy a house
  • ❌ Keep myself healthy: Lose my weight to 55kg
    • Walk at least 30min a day on average
  • ❌ Reduce time for work
    • Overtime should be less than 40 hours / month


I said 2021 was the busiest year in my life but 2022 was tougher as I expected.

  • Launched Managed Loadbalancer service in Smart Data Platform
  • (Almost) Developed new database service

The latter was so challenging and I had to focus on it. So I've let go of my work on HR, Baremetal / Hypervisor project lead.

Last year was also a year of learning a lot in terms of how to do my job. Although it has been said before, I learned not to do everything by myself too much and to leave it to others who should do it. Everyone has a role. I should do what I have to do as my role and let other members do what they should do.


Major events

  • My grandfather passed away in Mar
  • All my family affected by COVID-19 in Aug
  • Purchased a home in Apr
    • And moved there in Sep


What I purchased

New Year Resolution in 2023

  • Broaden my network of contacts
  • Re: Keep me healthy: Lose my weight to 55kg
    • Walk 10,000 steps every day on average
  • Build a charging station in my room

2022 New Year's Resolution

It's been two years since to write a blog post. (I slacked this off last year..)

Review of 2021

I didn't declare a resolution so will try to look back what I did last year.


It was the busiest year in my work life last year. I've been leading three development projects(BM/DH, NFV, DB) + α in parallel. I have worked so hard that I could only take off almost one day a week.

  • Completed a launch of a new region (JP7) in Smart Data Platform
    • I've been working as a project manager for this big project.
  • Decided the direction of Baremetal / Dedicated Hypervisor service
  • Started / Continued to develop new services (NFV, DB)
  • Started HR-related work in my dept.
  • Recruitment (as usual)

I'm relieved that we're done with the jp7 release, but last year was generally a year of sowing seeds. My team has grown to 11 by adding 4 people (including employees, contractors) last year. I have to fulfill my duty which means that I have to release new services and get them on track somehow. This year will be tougher than the last year.

And I also renew my working environment so that I can work from home comfortably - buying a working desk and an ultra-wide monitor.


Major events

  • My daughter started taking English classes.
  • Adopted a dog from a shelter
  • Pulled out a (left lower) wisdom tooth
  • Resumed to looking for our new house. (I didn't do this last year at all..)



I couldn't spend time for my family than I expected as usual.

New Year Resolution in 2022

  • Post a blog more than once a month
  • Buy a house
  • Keep myself healthy: Lose my weight to 55kg
    • Walk at least 30min a day on average
  • Reduce time for work
    • Overtime should be less than 40 hours / month

2020 New Year Resolution

It's been a while to write a blog but it's again a time to review 2019 and declare new year's resolution.

Review of 2019

This is my goal for 2019 which I wrote on 1st Jan. shoutm.hatenablog.com

I declare these goals below. I reviewed which items I could / couldn't achieve.

  • Legend
    • ✅=Win: Perfectly / Almost achieved
    • ❌= Lose: Didn't start trying yet
    • ⚠ = Draw: Started but not achieved
    • 💔= Scope out: don't need to work because of environmental change


Performance measurement against my goal

  • ✅Complete the vFW(vSRX) "Day2" project.
  • 💔Release more variable features of VCF
  • ⚠ Become a VMware specialist
  • ❌Got a TOEIC score of over 950

1 Wins, 1 Loses, 1 Draw, 1 Scope out

As for vSRX Day2 project, we have faced a big issues that vSRX3.0 stopped forwarding packets when NFS disconnected. So we changed our plan from using vSRX3.0 to using 2.0. But again we found several problems (again stopped forwarding packets in several situations). However my colleague made a script which rescues vSRXs which lapsed into the situations. Finally we could confirm an adequacy of its quality and decide to release this version.

As for VCF, we changed our priority to work so didn't touch this topic at all. Instead, we have worked on baremetal server v3 flavor integration and started planning of containerization of baremetal controller.

As for VMware speciality, I finished a course of VMware Networking study and got a certificate of "VMware Certified Professional - Network Virtualization 2019". I could understand the basics of VMware networking and useful features customers may want. It will helps me working on VMware related project in the future.

As for English, I have not had a noteworthy activities in this year. I had a TOEIC exam once in this year but of course I couldn't achieve 950.

Events in 2019

This completely changed my mindset and behavior in this year. My responsibility was changed from doing my best as individual to bringing out the best performance of my team. So I spent my time for my team members rather than me. What I made a strong effort to is 1 on 1 meeting with my team members. I did F2F meeting with each member for 30 minutes every 2 weeks. I also bought several books for it.

Generally speaking, feedbacks from them are quite good at this moment. But I don't know the cost effectiveness of this.

Transferred to NTT Ltd

At the same time I was assigned as a senior manager, I and a large number of my colleagues are transferred to NTT Ltd. This is not a big change for me at this moment against my expectation because the migration is still on the way and big waves will come this year. I am actually so excited because I prefer to work abroad (or with colleagues from other countries).

Technical skills
  • Started Qiita
    • A couple of contents were posted. I think keep studying technical stuffs are still very important even after becoming a management role so I'll keep posting.
  • Started building my own kubernetes cluster on vmware at my home to study k8s and vmware
    • It's still on the way, I just built vmware infrastructure. I'll continue working on it.
  • Started rewriting ecl-resource-analytics-client (again in ruby) https://github.com/tamac-io/ecl-resource-analytics-client
    • I dispatched it form the repository of ecl-resourece-analytics (server side) http://github.com/tamac-io/ecl-resource-analytics so that I could use the latest ruby runtime (2.7.0 which was released on 25th Dec 2019)
    • At this moment, I'm writing unit tests earnestly !! This is good for me to understand rspec-mock more and how to write testable code.


Performance measurement against my goal

  • ✅Take a family trip to somewhere (best suited for my daughter?)
  • ⚠ Go to a gym twice a week
    • ✅Take a record of Gym attendance.
  • ❌Exchange Christmas presents
  • ❌Stay in the hotel which we stayed in our wedding
  • ✅Go to the Anpanman museum and the Disneyland
  • ✅Go see a movie of Bohemian Rhapsody

3 Wins, 2 Loses, 1 Draw

As for family trip, we went to:

Awaji trip was very tough to me. My daughter is afraid of strangers and can't get used to new places so she has been crying almost all the night at a hotel on the first day. And worse, I received a phone call for a production issue at 3 or 4 am. It was tough. But she was getting used to gradually, I felt her growth.

As for gym, I built a easy workflow to record my gym activity as below. The result: I went to the gym 44 times last year. 1 year = 52 weeks so the result was less than half of my expectation. Throughout this year, my goal was too high. I have to revise this. shoutm.hatenablog.com

Events in 2019

Life plan holidays for changing nursery of my daughter

I took a week of life plan holidays. This is my first time to take it. I have to take it for my daughter but I think it's a good welfare program.

New year Resolution in 2020



  • More time for service development: more than 40% of our working time
    • Current percentage: around 20%
  • Containerization of baremetal controller
  • Keep acquiring skills and output
    • Post a blog more than once a month
      • Keywords: engineering manager, k8s, vmware, Competitive programming etc.

Stop doing

  • Looking at slack all my working time: Keep the number of following channel less than 30 each workspace.
    • Now I'm in 10 workspaces, 200+ channels. I realize slack often distracts my attention.



  • Prioritise my family than work: Leave the office on time twice a week
    • My daughter is now three years old. This time should be the cutest time in her life so I spend more time with my daughter this year.
  • Keep myself healthy: Lose my weight to 55kg
    • Go to a gym once a week
    • Use bicycle than bus
  • Start investment
    • Read more than 5 books
    • Invest around 3% of my asset this year
  • Planning buying home (within two years)

Stop doing

  • Stop using unuseful SNS
    • Facebook app: uninstall
    • Twitter: An hour a day
      • I realise that I spend a lot of time for SNS. They sometime give me useful information but almost all contents are noises.

Multi-hop SSH by one-liner / 多段SSHワンライナー

Since I always forgets to how to make "multi-hop ssh", I'll summarize it in this article. I'll write some config in .ssh/config if a topology is fixed but I won't if a topology is formed temporarily.

If there is a network depicted as below,

client ---- jump-server-01( ---- jump-server-02( ---- target-server(

you can use this command to ssh to the "target-server".

ssh shoutm@ \
-oProxyCommand=“ssh -W shoutm@ \
-oProxyCommand=\”ssh -W shoutm@\” "

I hope it helps

Gym history by IFTTT and Google calendar

I declared to go to gym twice a week as the new year's resolution.


Last year, I have not recorded when I went to gym so I couldn't review my effort. I wanted some web service with which I can mark a calendar when I go to gym.

So I tweeted this,

and u1-san replied to me advising to use twitter and IFTTT.

So I tried to create this applet.


Now when I tweeted with hash tag #gym like this,

then a calendar event will be created in gym calendar.

Gym calendar got an event

It works somehow, I'll keep using this and may post a feedback(to me) in this blog later.

2019 New Year Resolution

The last day in 2018 has come. Now I'm writing this blog entry in a McDonald's near my place. It may be the time to review my 2018 and going to jot down the new year's resolution 2019.

Review of 2018


The first half of this year, I have been in a chaos of developing vFW(vSRX) service. I struggled against several bugs and PJ management along with developing GCP Inter-Connectivity, Azure Inter-Connectivity services. I had no idea the PJ management especially for Hypervisors delivery was such a tough... But anyway, I could launch 3 products, basically, I did well 😀

The second half, I joined the Baremetal dev team. My role is basically to manage VCF development project and to be a counterpart of a product team. They had a different software architecture from the AXIS and also a different way of thinking for operation. The latter was very interesting to me. (I may write another blog post for the difference when I have time)

It was disappointing that I couldn't take control of VCF project well because I didn't have enough knowledge of VMware.

And, I had more opportunities to take a "kind of" management role in various situations than last year. I may have to lay more weight on it next year but I have no idea what is my weak point and how to improve management skill at this moment.


  • My daughter became 2 years old and started to attend a nursery school 🎉
  • Family trip to Fuji with my family, my parents, and families of my siblings
  • No music activity 😩
  • Started to going to Gym from July 💪

My daughter has been fortunately growing up without any big problems. She started to speak something and I became to be able to figure out what she wanted to say. I think this and next year would be the cutest period of time in her life so I definitely have to give priority to have time with her than work.

I regret that we couldn't travel only with my family. I think we have a long holiday in May next year so I'd like to plan some.

I also regret that I couldn't go to the gym enough. I have planned to go to the gym twice a week but I think I couldn't (I don't have a record)

New Year's resolution in 2019


  • Complete the vFW(vSRX) "Day2" project.
  • Release more variable features of VCF
  • Become a VMware specialist
  • Got a TOEIC score of over 950


  • Take a family trip to somewhere (best suited for my daughter?)
  • Go to a gym twice a week
    • Take a record of Gym attendance.

This resolution may change over the next few months

(20190101 edited) My wife asked me to add these...

  • Exchange Christmas presents
  • Stay in the hotel which we stayed in our wedding
  • Go to the Anpanman museum and the Disneyland
  • Go see a movie of Bohemian Rhapsody